est. 2009
Current & Pending Projects
We are often asked what our needs are and it always feels awkward to answer because we don't believe God has called us to fundraising. For 5 years we've watched Him provide for our needs without us petitioning people to finance our ministry here. This page will serve as a resource for us to direct those who want to donate to something specific rather than to a general operating expense fund (our monthly operating expenses currently run us around $6000). These are things families, groups, or churches could also "adopt" or sponsor. It is now also possible to sponsor a child and you can find those details HERE.

Church -Children's Classrooms
Currently our children sit on the floor in the church classrooms and this works but it hasn't been a very effective way to teach them to sit properly (ie. not lay down or roll around) and we'd like to purchase good tables and chairs, as well as some additional items and supplies, to make the experience easier and more efficient.
Fully funded through various donations. Thank you!
Estimated cost: $200
Amount raised to date: $200
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Bedroom for Little Girls
We have all the 6 and under crowd living in the main house. Currently they're upstairs in an open room and I've been sleeping in there with them so I can be close by to tend to nighttime fears and tears, which are still frequent. A room downstairs, off our bedroom, would serve us all so much better and I'd be happy to sleep in my own bed again! This area is in our flood zone so before building could begin the ground would need to be raised.
Fully funded with the help of Alex and Kerry Francu & Co, who also came and did the work to build. Thank you!!!!
Estimated cost: $3000
Amount raised to date: $3500
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Dormitory Housing
Our goal is to build new boys and girls dormitories with our house right between them.
Estimated cost: $65,000
Amount raised to date: $0
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Our children do a wonderful job of utilizing nature in their play and we don't have any desire to stifle that. We would, however, like to add to their play experience by offering them some equipment to climb and swing on that is safer than the bee-laden trees they currently use.
Estimated cost: $1000
Amount raised to date: $0
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Property Payoff
We got an excellent deal on this 24 rai (9 1/2 acre) property and we were advanced some of the money to make the whole thing possible. We need to get that money back to where it came from so we're praying God will provide the funding needed to do so.
Estimated cost: $200,000
Amount raised to date: $135,500
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Backfill Rice Paddies
A large portion of our 9 1/2 acres is rice paddies that are now overgrown with scrub trees. Backfilling would enable us to develop the property and utilize the acreage for staff housing, a school, and gardens.
Estimated cost: $10,000 per paddy X 2 1/2 remaining paddies
Amount raised to date: $0
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Electrical Upgrades
Our property is struggling under the electrical load because we don't have sufficient current. Our large appliances suffer from the inconsistent flow and it's a challenge keeping fans running which is a problem with the intense heat here much of the year.
Estimated cost: $5000
Amount raised to date: $2500
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Car for Hannah & Abi
Our teenage daughters have come into adulthood in Thailand and while they both sense God calling them to remain serving the people of this country, we're wanting to ensure they aren't crippled by not having the freedom adults naturally have. They can't legally get paying jobs here but a small commuter car would enable them to get around for their own personal needs but would also help them be better able to run errands for the ministry.
Lorena Ortega and family generously donated the funds for the purchase of this vehicle. Hannah and Abi are so grateful! Thank you!
Estimated cost: $2000
Amount raised to date: $2000
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Benches for Sanctuary
The sanctuary of our church plant in town has plastic chairs right now. However, because such a large number of our present congregation are children, this gets super noisy as the chairs scrape the floor from little people wiggling during the service. We found some super simple wooden benches that would serve the church better. We could utilize the plastic chairs currently in the sanctuary at our property.
Fully funded through various donations. Thank you!
Estimated cost: $700
Amount raised to date: $650
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"

Two Office Computers
We are establishing an office recognized by the government of Thailand that will allow us to do our visa paperwork locally rather than making the 10 hour round-trip several times a year. We need reliable computers for our bookkeeper, as well as our office assistant, because this will also function as our ministry/publishing office.
The money for these two computers was lovingly donated by the Melodie Hopkins family. Thank you so much!
Estimated cost: $2500
Amount raised to date: $2500
*On the donation page, please leave a note indicating to which project you are donating or you can indicate "General Operating Expenses"