est. 2009

Alu, 12
She comes from a family of 5 children, and 4 of them live with us. No stranger to large family living, Alu has learned to stay tucked inside her world when she needs to. She's mostly easy-going, adaptable, very artistic, and increasingly responsible. She has a strong sense of justice and because she's often quiet, she catches us off guard when it kicks into high gear.
Her Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
Alu may be the child I would say has changed the most since her arrival 3 years ago. She lived in her own world to the point that she didn't much bother with what was said to her. I wouldn't say she was ever intentionally rebellious; it was more indifference or lack of presence in the things swirling around her.
Today she is easy-going, generally sweet-spirted, always watchful and doting over her youngest sister, Bpao. She's diligent and thorough and you can count on her to do what she's supposed to do most of the time.
Her mind is endlessly creative. From new hairstyles she thinks up and then executes herself before school to paper dolls that she designs to all the accessories those dolls could ever need, she does it all. She's very rarely idle and her mind seems never to rest from dreaming up new ideas.
She's very spiritually inclined and as she inches her way into her teen years, I believe she's going to be a leader who draws others with her.