est. 2009

Charlie, 8
Small but spritely, Charlie is a big personality in a little package. He came to live with us in April 2024 and from day one his smile could melt the hardest of our hearts. With a husky voice and facial expressions to meet literally every occasion, there's no day that's a dull day with this boy around.
His Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
Charlie was adopted when he was a baby. The couple who took him in couldn't have children of their own and the mother who'd given birth to him couldn't care for him. Tragically, his adoptive mother died, leaving him with his adoptive father who has to work for a living which meant Charlie spent a good deal of time alone. He apparently spent a lot of that time sleeping. Unfortunately, now he's not able to sit for more than a few minutes without falling off to sleep. In worship, church, a vehicle, at school, during a meal ... anything that involves sitting, inevitably leads to sleeping.
When he's up and moving, however, he's like the wind. A very strong wind that's unpredictably predictable, sometimes breaking things while other times it's more like a gentle breeze. To be fair, though, Charlie and gentleness don't usually align. There are moments, but they're more the exception than the rule.
He loves to play, he thrives in the outdoors, and he's an alpha-male that sometimes forgets he's the youngest little man in his room. But God is out of reach of no man or child. Our little Charles will resolutely walk to the front of the chapel or church, invite everyone to fold their hands for prayer, and then pray loud enough for everyone to hear, without a mic.
After all, where there's wind there's rain. And where there's rain, there's growth and new life.