est. 2009

Hat, 11
When he came to us in 2022 at the age of nine, he was expert at avoiding eye contact and he'd tense up if we came too near him. Hat's capacity for dealing with social situations was extremely limited and his desire to communicate was almost entirely absent. He's come along way in the past two years.
His Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
From those early days where the walls around him were a mile high, he's come to a place where he enjoys the people around him ... in reasonable doses. Perfectly content to be alone, he can often be found somewhere by himself soaking up the quiet and solitude. But he's not a loner anymore and he rounds out the boys group with his quick-thinking wit and humor.
He picked up guitar a month or so ago when we were able to purchase an instrument for everyone wanting to learn. In just weeks, Hat has taken off with it and he plays incredibly well already. It's so fun to see he and his older brother, Han, sit together playing ... Hat on guitar and Han on recorder.
Hat was born with a heart murmur and we recently took him to a better hospital to have more thorough testing to find out the severity of it. We learned it's significant enough to require surgery and so he's scheduled to admit to the hospital on October 27. His hospital stay will be anywhere from 5 days to several weeks and we'd appreciate prayer on his behalf.
Of all the things that could be said about Hat, the thing that's most striking is his dedication to learn about the God he's been introduced to. Not a night goes by that he isn't found on his bunk with his Bible open. Hat has an uncanny knack for knowing how to prioritize the things that are important and he's very systematic in his approach to maintaining order in his life. It's a blessing to witness one so young intentionally placing God at the top of his list.