est. 2009

Yim, 16
Yim (which means smile in Thai) came to us in June of 2021 with one of her 3 sisters, Alu. During those first days here, both girls were very shy and nervous and Yim, being older, protected Alu in a way that stole our hearts right out of the gate.
Her Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
The school term just wrapped up for Yim so we've been enjoying having her home during the days. During the school weeks we have to wake the children by 5:30am so we've been allowing for extra sleep as the schools close for the month. Yim pops up first out of those who are on break, and she graces us with her quiet presence and shy, but silly, antics.
As the need to run errands in town arises, Yim and the other girls are always eager to hop in and go along. They dress nicely, and check to make sure their hair is arranged neatly, even when it's just a quick trip for something small. The laughter and joy the girls bring with them always makes what would otherwise be a mundane trip, just a little more fun.
A month or so ago, God provided (through the kindness of people who share of their resources) the way to purchase instruments for the children. Yim chose to learn the piano and so we got her a keyboard with headphones and Hannah and Abi started offering lessons once a week. The kids are allowed to "rent" their instruments as long as they faithfully "pay" their rental fees. The fee is simply daily practice and Yim consistently holds to her commitment.
Once shy to an almost painful degree, this still-shy girl now pushes herself by planning and executing special music for our church services along with others. And she can even be caught standing up and walking to the mic to share a brief testimony some weeks.
Not many weeks ago, the older girls started coming to use the little exercise room we set up in the house. It's been fun to watch them learn commitment and consistency across various areas of their lives. However, Yim can always be found, pre and post workout, standing directly in front of a fan as though her life depends on that cool draft of air. We probably need to work on teaching her to share the fan. ;)
As I type this, Yim, Kwan, and Namwan are on a little bike ride to the pig farm at the end of our road. The road is flooding but it's not yet too high and riding through the water seems to bring them great amusement. I imagine the spray of water on their legs is also a welcome relief from the hot(ter) and humid temperatures we've had the past few days.

And in case you didn't believe me that she struggles to share the fan, here's Yim at church, not sharing the fan. :)